Committee Meeting
Friends of Larkhall Park Committee Meeting
Tuesday 16th July 2024 7 pm
Courland Grove Baptist Church Hall
London SW8 2PX
Join in person. Entrance opposite the hire bikes & tennis courts.
Alternatively online on Google Meet
Dial-in: (GB) +44 20 3956 9578
PIN: 735 413 619#
Please contact us with any items you would like on the agenda. info@larkhallparkfriends.org.uk
LPPB Meeting
Larkhall Park Partnership Board Meeting
Thursday 18th July 6.15 pm to 7.45 pm
Courland Grove Baptist Church Hall
London SW8 2PX
Attended by Lambeth Parks, local councillors, residents & the Friends of the park, to oversee the development and spending for the park and immediate surroundings.
All are welcome to attend.
Join in person.
Alternatively, online on Google Meet
Dial-in: (GB) +44 20 3956 3567
PIN: 753 482 851#
Future Meetings
Dates for upcoming meetings
Larkhall Park Partnership Board Meetings 2024
5th September
10th October
26th November
6.15 - 7.45 pm
At Courland Grove Baptist Church Hall
London SW8 2PX
What's going on in the park?
Join our mailing list here to keep up to date. Or support your park and become a member for £5 a year.
Read the latest newsletter from Colin, the park gardener.
Stockwell Festival - Sat 7th Sept
It's Back! Save the Date :-)
Applications are now open for the following, particularly from locals:
Food vendors - especially healthy options
Contact Dila: stockwellfestival@gmail.com
FOLP Instagram
Check out photos of the park, and find out about some events going on locally - in the park, and nearby.
We'd love to see your photos - send them to info@larkhallparkfriends.org.uk, to be uploaded to the Friends instagram site,
https://www.instagram.com/friendsoflarkhallpark/ or tag us #friendsoflarkhallpark on instagram